There are 3 groups that help with the liturgy weekly. They are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, and Ushers. Their responsibilities and schedules can be found below.
Liturgical Minister Schedules
We use an application to schedule and request substitutes for the Liturgical Minister Schedules. You need a user name and password to login. If you don't have one or need assistance, please call the church office.
Homebound Ministers These ministers make Holy Communion available to parishioners who have become immobile temporarily or permanently. Our homebound communion ministers receive Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion training. They receive Holy Communion during Mass and take it to the homebound parishioner. The leader of this ministry sets a rotating schedule, ensuring each minister sees a variety of homebound. The commitment of time is typically no more than 2 visits a month.
If you are in need of receiving the Holy Eucharist at home, please Contact Us at the parish office.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion The members of this ministry assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion during the Masses. This ministry requires special training offered through the diocese. In most cases, the ministers serve once a month.
Lectors The minister of the Word proclaims the Sunday readings to all the faithful. We look for a good speaking voice and a time commitment at home in spending time studying and preparing the readings you will proclaim. We also ask for a commitment of time in training sessions offered about three times a year. For many people, Sunday is the only time they hear the Word of God in the readings. We must proclaim them well. We offer training and ongoing days of formation and prayer. If you feel called to this ministry, please contact the Pastor.
Ushers The minister of hospitality welcomes people to our parish proceeding each weekend liturgies and on Holy Days. They make parishioners and visitors feel at home and, if necessary, help them find a seat. This person also helps take the collection. Training is offered on an as-needed basis. If you are interested in Ushering, please contact the parish office.
If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries, please Contact Us at the parish office.