Mass Intentions
Dear Friends of St. Robert Bellarmine,
We accept Mass Intention requests for the weekend and daily Masses. The preferred Mass stipend is $10.00 for each Mass. You may send a check to the Parish office or use the Online Donation button on the Home page of this website.
To have a Mass said for a loved one or for a Special Intention, please call the Parish office at 816 229-5168 or email [email protected] with your request.
Divine Mercy Chaplet
We are saying the Divine Mercy Chaplet at daily Masses.
There isn't a preferred stipend for the Chaplet. You may make a free-will offering. You may send a check to the Parish office or use the Online Donation button on the Home page of this website.
To have a Divine Mercy Chaplet said for a loved one or for a Special Intention, please call the Parish office at 816 229-5168 or email [email protected] with your request.